Monthly Archives: June 2009

foto av dagen 06.20.09

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my first attempt at growing vegetables: a little photo diary…

seedlings popped!

slow bolt cilantro looking excited to have found the light.

the vegetable garden plot.  i had to relocate 7 roses: not fun.

mexican spice basil!  so pretty.  sadly, they died when i was away for 5 days.

royal purple beans.  i was afraid i was going to have a hard time distinguishing between the beans & the weeds…turns out they are quite distinct.

this is about 6 weeks after planting the seeds.

Roebson & Chadwick tomatoes.  yum.


trying again with the mexi spice basil.

teeny tiny basil leaves!

i had no idea my royal purple beans were going to sprout royal purple flowers!  pretty!!

beans growing quite tall.

i just planted the tomatoes out in the garden, so i shall have more updates soon.  i hope they make it!!



BikeWise is a great new interactive resource for bicyclists to report incidents of crashes, safety hazards & thefts.  The idea is that anyone who is involved in or witness to an incident logs a report into the BikeWise database.  BikeWise then records & organizes those incidents by city, state and country and displays them on an interactive google map.  You, as a cyclist can pull up a map for any area or view a list of incident reports. From Worldchanging:

Although the site’s creators are based in Seattle, this tool is available for cyclists everywhere. The site (with about 90 percent accuracy) can sense your location, and will pull up information for the city you are surfing the web from. I think it’s great that Bikewise has created a space for people to talk to each other about how to make their city a better place. The trick will be getting enough users to generate reports to make the data useful for people like city planners, analysts and public policy officials. So, if you’re a cyclist, head to Bikewise and get the conversation started!

That last point is critical – as of today, there are only 11 states reporting any accidents, 18 reporting hazards and incidents, and in total there are maybe a few dozen incidents reported for 2009 in the whole US.  Hopefully word will spread so this tool can be put to use.  If the BikeWise developers are correct in saying that over 75% of cycling crashes go unreported, then no wonder city planners keep ignoring our pleas for bike-safe roadways.

It looks like the site is still a work in progress.  The interactive maps are pretty user-friendly, but the incident reporting could use some organizational improvements, like organize by date, incident type, etc.  It would be especially useful to planners & city officials to be able to download the database info into an excel spreadsheet of some sort.  Maybe this is in the works.

So…let’s start reporting!

Skate Study House: The Waste is the Best


Skate Study House is the furniture design child of duo Pierre Andre Senizergues and Gil Le Bon De LaPointe who, in their work, mix a tribute to the post-WWII Case Study House project with modern skateboarding culture.  Just added to their collection are a few limited edition pieces made entirely from scrap and second-hand skateboards.

Keeping with Senizergues’ skateboard flare from his world champion days, but daring into the unknown, together these two skateboarders shed new eco light on green design and waste with three new limited edition pieces from Skate Study House.  An organic collection, The Waste is The Best gives homage to waste, made 100% of throwaway materials and is constructed from excess skateboard cutouts of laminated wood.

The new pieces feature a “Cobble Chair”, “Spine Table” and “Space Shelves” to add to the Skate Study House collection.  Inspired from Senizergues’ creative vision and designed with Gil Le Bon De LaPointe, The Waste is The Best is the next generation of green design and adds an organic twist to the Skate Study House collection.


I’ll take the spine shelves, please.  Thanks.  I also like several items from their main collection.


.::Skate Study House