Monthly Archives: April 2008

The Real Guerilla Gardener

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Of course adidas ripped this idea from the real thing.


Is there a barren patch of fertile ground in your city? Check out the real guerilla gardener Richard Renolds’ blog and join the movement!


Also check his book:



Vulcan Projecct: Texas Takes the Cake


Here’s a map put together by scientists at Purdue University’s Vulcan Project of 2002 CO2 emissions per capita [click on the map for a high-res version]. So…is anyone surprised that Texas is the reddest state? I thought not. Interestingly, here is a map of CO2 concentration with out accounting for population density, which looks pretty much identical to a population map.  It also looks to be almost inversely proportional to the population map, which presents fairly good evidence that dense urban living is the most carbon efficient way to go.


Here’s a 2000 US Census Bureau population map for comparison:

Read the rest at WIRED, World Changing & catch an introductory video from the scientists at the Vulcan Project website.

kick gas may 12-18


May is National Bike Month and here in Massachusetts we’re doing our part to celebrate this great event with Bay State Bike Week, May 12th -18th, 2008. It’s your chance to join thousands of other bikers across the country by doing something for the environment and having a great time while you’re at it. It’s a win/win proposition. [BayStateBikeWeek]

triko: Tell the Children the Truth






mmmmm, nothing sexier than a man with style AND a conscience.

Triko is a progressive, premium streetwear brand for the fashion conscious consumer. Triko is committed to using the finest natural materials available to produce high quality product, in order to advance their efforts to a healthier environment. Their focus is on promoting social and environmental awareness through design and lifestyle. Designer Hector Estrada chooses to incorporate sustainable materials into his collection, such as organic or raw cotton on selected tees and using coconut shells or recycled soda cans as buttons.

Triko is actively involved in charities and organizations including Solar 1 and Defenders of Wildlife and will continue to support charities and organizations that work towards the protection of the environment and its inhabitants.

^ A word from karmaloop. Check triko & their Earthloving blog.



Sulphate injections are one of several “geo-engineering” solutions to climate change being discussed by scientists[...]But one potential drawback is that sulphates provide a surface on which chlorine gases in polar clouds can become activated, causing chemical reactions that lead to the destruction of ozone molecules. Yeah, this sounds like a great idea… [BBC News]

Project Earth Day


Today in NYC is the 2nd annual Project Earth Day, an eco-minded spin-off of Project Runway. I found out about Project Earth Day via Inhabitat, who I can always count on to satisfy me when I need an eco-fashion fix. In fact, Inhabitat’s very own Jill Fehrenbacher will be a judge for the Student Fashion Competition. Here’s a look at a few of my favorite designers from the event’s site:






And some highlights from last year’s show:



Check the rest at Inhabitat.

Building A Straw Bale House: The Journey Begins


It is official: my dad started his journey from NC to NM this morning to begin construction on the straw bale house. He set off for the 3-4 day drive in our ancient-if-not-so-fuel-efficient ’92 Volvo 240 full of belongings and our two dogs. My poor mom is going to be lonely for the next few months (though she will probably miss the dogs the most…). So be on the lookout for updates on the construction progress over the next few weeks and months. And check the straw bale archive to learn about his designs and software.

MNP Earf Day Bonanza


Happy Earth Day ninjas! We in the MNP Group love the Earth and want to spread our love across the global interwebs. So today, in honor of her Majesty Mother Earth we are having an MNP Earf Day Bonanza. Check any and all of our microsites to see how each of us has chosen to celebrate this holiest of days. We’ve got:

and, of course, MyNinjaPlease

All of us bringing you the randomness we always do, but with an extra Earf Day twist…

We hope you enjoy all the Earth Day fun and find your own unique way to celebrate. And in case you need help, check the EarthDayNetwork to find Earth Day events in your ‘hood.

Love & Respect,

the MNP Fam