Monthly Archives: June 2012
Practical Post-Scarcity
What these guys are doing is amazing, check out Open Source Ecology for your building needs…
Simon Beck’s Snow Art
Space Junk Trailer
This Car is Only in Japan
Daniel Schnitzer: Inventing is the Easy Part
Africa Pivots
If you missed Pivot East, there’s some interesting things coming out of Kenya- a recent IPO48 competition winner, a farming tool for connecting buyers with crops seems awfully useful.
Lotus Flower in the Cloud
Humans on Mars
World Oceans Day : theBlu
Inspired by the Oceans, theBlu is a socially-connected, global interactive app. Each time you participate, your interactions and connections impact the flow of life in theBlu and everyone’s experience of it.
TheBlu is created and curated Academy Award-winning leaders and world-class artists and developers – we call them Makers. Each time you purchase beautiful species and habitats to add to the globally-connected Ocean, you support oceanic conservation.
Once you install theBlu app, you can:
Explore and experience a beautiful online 3D underwater world as easily as browsing the Web.
Connect and interact with your friends via Facebook and go diving together in theBlu.
Have fun learning about the Oceans because theBlu is both entertaining and educational.
Support oceanic conservation each time you purchase 3D species and habitat art work.