Monthly Archives: September 2009

ROBL = Rolling On a Bike Laughing, PSA

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And yes, due to “disrobed bikers.” Read on… The following is quoted from

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Naked bikers needed for Flaming Lips music video to be shot in Portland next week

The World Naked Bike Ride doesn’t roll around again til June, but Portlanders will have a chance next week to ride naked around Mt Tabor as part of an upcoming Flaming Lips music video.

I spoke about the shoot, set for Wednesday, with Flaming Lips lead singer Wayne Coyne during a break in preparing for the band’s appearance tonight on the Colbert Report.

Coyne was enthused about his plan. He said he got the idea from the scene at the end of the musical Hair: “You know how it’s a bunch of freaked out naked people climbing some mountain with blood and fire and finding some new civilization there� so I thought of Portland, right?” [Read the Rest Here]