Category Archives: foto av dagen

foto av dagen

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foto av dagen 06.20.09

my first attempt at growing vegetables: a little photo diary…

seedlings popped!

slow bolt cilantro looking excited to have found the light.

the vegetable garden plot.  i had to relocate 7 roses: not fun.

mexican spice basil!  so pretty.  sadly, they died when i was away for 5 days.

royal purple beans.  i was afraid i was going to have a hard time distinguishing between the beans & the weeds…turns out they are quite distinct.

this is about 6 weeks after planting the seeds.

Roebson & Chadwick tomatoes.  yum.


trying again with the mexi spice basil.

teeny tiny basil leaves!

i had no idea my royal purple beans were going to sprout royal purple flowers!  pretty!!

beans growing quite tall.

i just planted the tomatoes out in the garden, so i shall have more updates soon.  i hope they make it!!

foto av dagen 04.04.09

Canary Project Photos: The Landscape of Climate Change
Artists: Susannah Sayler & Edward Morris

[Reforestation and Land Restoration, Niger, 2007]

[Drought and Fires: Umatilla National Forest, Washington State, 2006]

[Extreme Weather Events: Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana, 2005]

[Dyke on the North Sea, The Netherlands, 2006]

[Disrupted Ecosystems: Great Barrier Reef, Belize, 2006]

[Renewable Energy: Palm Springs, California, 2007]

The photos in this collection are a stunning visual exploration of the effects of climate change.  The Canary Project is an organization that creates art and supports artists with the intention of engaging viewers in the realities of global warming.  For Canary Project Photos: The Landscape of Climate Change, founders of the Canary Project, Susannah Sayler and Edward Morris, have collected images of landscapes around the globe directly impacted by a warming planet and have documented communities that are working proactively to conserve their endangered lands.

In their own words:

Correcting misconceptions about climate change and mobilizing society to build a more sustainable future will require a concerted effort from all sectors of society. We believe art has an important role to play in this process, particularly when executed in collaboration with other disciplines and when benefiting from the organizational strengths of an entity such as The Canary Project. Art has the capacity to penetrate received notions, generate media attention and create lasting visceral impact – all of which can be a more effective catalyst to action than mere rational apprehension.

To see more of the Canary Project Photos, read the stories associated with each landscape and to learn more about The Canary Project and its many programs, visit their website,

foto av dagen 09.17.08


In its brief lifespan of only 13 days, Hurricane Ike wreaked great deal of havoc. Affecting several countries including Cuba, Haiti, and the United States, Ike is blamed for approximately 114 deaths (74 in Haiti alone), and damages that are still being tallied, with estimates topping $10 billion. Many shoreline communities of Galveston, Texas were wiped from the map by the winds, storm surge and the walls of debris pushed along by Ike – though Galveston was spared the level of disaster it suffered in 1900. (28 photos total)

.:: Ike’s wrath –> a photo series