Category Archives: space
Humans on Mars
Pacific Aurora
R.I.P. Sir Arthur Charles Clarke: 16 December 1917 – 19 March 2008
This past Wednesday marked the end of the orbit for Sir Arthur C. Clarke, scientist, wiseman and most famously, author of 2001: A Space Odyssey. In his list of three departing wishes, kicking our planet’s oil habit was second, along with finding evidence of extraterrestrial life and ending the civil conflict in Sri Lanka, his adopted home of 50 years.
I would like to see us kick our current addiction to oil and adopt clean energy sources. For over a decade I’ve been monitoring various new energy experiments but they’ve yet to produce commercial scale results. Climate changes have added a new sense of urgency. Our civilization depends on energy but we can’t allow oil and coal to slowly bake our planet.
Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soapbox
Dude was crazy, as most geniuses are.
Check for screenings in your area. DVD is coming out Nov 13.
[what is enlightenment?]
Venus, Mars and Titan: Predicting Earth’s Climate Future
David Grinspoon, a planetary scientist, author, and 2006 recipient of the Carl Sagan Medal has some very interesting insights into the world outside of Earth. In “Ghosts of Climates Past,” an article published in SEED Magazine, Grinspoon presents a convincing theory on the ways we might be able to predict the environmental future of Earth by studying the environmental pasts of some of the other planets in our solar system.
Climate is hard to predict because planetary climate systems are full of nonlinear feedback effects that tend to dampen (negative feedback) or amplify (positive feedback) any possible changes. Even though the sun has grown steadily brighter since its birth 4.6 billion years ago, Earth’s climate has stayed within the range of liquid water and “life as we know it” due to a negative feedback loop that sucks carbon out of atmospheric CO2, producing carbonate rock, and volcanoes that pump CO2 back into the air. This process creates a natural thermostat. Regardless of climate, the Earth exhales CO2. But the rate of removal of atmospheric CO2 is highly sensitive to this climate, speeding up exponentially when it is hotter and grinding to a halt when the continents freeze over. A lengthy ice age will always cause a buildup of warming CO2, and a hot period will eventually lower the CO2, cooling our planet again. As the sun slowly brightens over billions of years (by 30 percent so far over its lifetime), this thermostat gradually lowers the overall CO2 content of the atmosphere. Given enough time to respond to any provocation, our climate is stable.
Greenspoon explains how both Venus and Mars started out with climates and landscapes similar to Earth’s – complete with oceans, volcanoes and carbon cycles. He then describes the conditions on Venus and Mars which catalyzed the collapse of the feedback loop maintaining each planet’s temperate climate.
Venus was doomed because of its close proximity to the Sun. As the sun grew brighter over time, it evaporated more and more of Venus’s water, which in turn warmed the atmosphere further (yes, water vapor is a potent greenhouse gas), creating a positive feedback loop and a runaway greenhouse effect. With volcanoes continuing to erupt and nothing to sequester the emitted carbon, Venus developed “an almost pure CO2 atmosphere 100 times as thick as Earth’s, and a much higher temperature. It’s now hot enough there to fry our spacecraft and destroy all forms of earthly life.”
Mars was a totally different story. Despite its “early billion-year spree of rivers, rainfall, warmer climate, and possibly even life,” the 4th planet from the Sun was simply too small. It didn’t have enough gravitational pull to hold onto its atmosphere. Losing its atmosphere cooled Mars, freezing its water and volcanic core so that now, “Little Mars is doubly damned to be a frozen desert.”
The third comparison Greenspoon makes is not to a planet, but a moon – one of Saturn’s moons, Titan. The reason for his interest in Titan is that it is the only other body in our solar system with an atmosphere that is made of mostly nitrogen. It’s atmosphere also has about 5% methane, a potent greenhouse gas. At a “remarkably warm” -180 degrees C and a pressure around 117 millibar, Titan’s atmosphere is near the triple point of methane (meaning the methane can exist as a solid, liquid or gas) a la Earth’s atmospheric temperature and pressure hovering near the triple point of water. Subsequently, it seems, Titan has a ‘methalogical’ system (rather than a hydrological system) with rivers, clouds and rains of methane.
Of course, an important difference is that life itself is intimately involved in terrestrial climate cycles, though it is conceivable that some exotic form of life is involved in the methane cycle on Titan. My colleague Dirk Schulze-Makuch and I have recently proposed a methane-based metabolism for creatures that could live off of the energy and carbon cycling through Titan’s atmosphere. Maybe a biosphere could maintain the climate in a range that facilitates its own survival. It is worth remembering that we are still profoundly ignorant about life, and its possibilities, in the universe. Clearly, complex feedbacks, which we are just beginning to elucidate, have played a role in the evolution of Titan’s climate and will help us to understand those on Earth.
Without much commentary on the current status of Earth’s global warming, Greenpoon subtly reminds us that “a stable, comfortable planetary climate, especially in the face of increasing industrial provocation, is not something one can take for granted.” And he says, “What we have learned from our celestial investigations is that there are many processes that can doom a once mild planet to an eternity of fire or ice.” Unfortuanately, let’s be real ninjas, we have a pretty low success rate of heeding lessons learned from our own history. Can we really expect to heed those from entirely different solar bodies?
[SEED Magazine]
Lunar Power?
Google’s ‘Moon 2.0′ Lunar X-Prize is challenging private companies to a race to the moon [and various other Lunar tasks] – suggesting that the moon will be n important resource for the Earth, as silicon can be mined there, and used to construct large solar arrays to power our cities with ‘green’ energy.
Far fetched? Probably – but leave it to Google to get people excited about traveling to the moon again [they should team up with Apple, then they'd be unstoppable], and to give us a semi-legit reason for going.
One problem I see, however, is that while it would be ‘green’ energy [assuming any of this were to happen], it will still be run by private companies and sold to us for whatever they [or the 'market'] decide its worth. One commonly overlooked issue with sustainability is its social side. If all the power is being sold off for the largest profit possible, controlled by the few and rationed to the masses, then its still not 100% ‘sustainable’.
But hey, let’s hope it works.