…And on the 8th day, the lord said: ‘my ninjas, I worked REAL HARD making you a paradise from scratch – try not to f*$k it up’…
[Frankly, I don't think she's going to make us another one.]
Now this happens to be an argument that makes a lot of sense: if you believe that God [and by God I mean whichever you believe in, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, etc] created the world, why wouldn’t you work towards preserving her creation? Well, the lord’s local reps are starting to agree that the world needs saving – from people – and that some kind of environmental action should become a part of their practice [note: props to all the religions/philosophies that have been down with loving the earth since jump].
Beyond ‘going green’ with the installation of photovoltaics, etc, at the Vatican, the Pope has listed ‘Thou shall not pollute the Earth‘ among the new deadly sins. Now, we’re not sure what the punishment is exactly [each of the original 7 deadly sins had its own punishment] – but dropping you off here might work.
And the Catholic Church isn’t alone on this – a number of US Southern Baptist leaders have shifted their position recently, stating that Baptists have a moral responsibility to combat climate change:
Forty-six influential members of the Southern Baptist Convention, including three of its last four presidents, criticized their denomination in a statement Monday for being “too timid” in confronting global warming.
“Our cautious response to these issues in the face of mounting evidence may be seen by the world as uncaring, reckless and ill-informed,” the statement says. “We can do better.” [via CNN].
Does this mean that the Hummer I was thinking of buying would be like a one-way ticket to eternal damnation?
Articles via Reuters + CNN.